Tomorrow I have a "pre -march out inspection" to the civvies amongst my readers that's a pre Inventory Check out - basically someone from the Housing Department comes and tells me what I need to do to the flat before handing it back - ie fill and paint ALL the picture hook holes and we have hung 100's of pictures - we have lived here for about 5 years!! Which incidentally is the longest I have lived anywhere E V E R!
I decided to sort out my office earlier today and chuck out all the samples and trade brochures I have had for the last 6 years - 12 bags of recycling and we live on the 4th floor with an out of service lift - I went down to the basement with 4 bags to find that our recycling skip was full (and unlike some of our neighbours who will remain nameless) I carted them all the way back upstairs again - our hallway now looks like something from Steptoes Yard!
None of this is helped by the fact that I have been out to supper with all my amazingly lovely girlfriends from the children's primary school (see, not just David Cameron who has friends there!) we drank enough (and more when I got home) ate delicious food and they listened to my tears and fears - both my children called whilst I was there and both were crying : (
These early days are so tough - all I really want to say is 'hold on I'll jump in the car and come and get you' but we all know that life really isn't that simple....
Roll on the weekend - packing, packing and more packing ( oh and a LOT of chucking out stuff!!) Maybe I will manage to sneak off for a coffee on Portobello with a girlfriend....
(Labroke Square - photo courtesy of Wikipedia)
It will soon be Summer and everyone will be back in the gardens...Pimms o'clock -
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