Tuesday 19 March 2013

Chocolates and stuff....

We had 45 for supper last night as DH's boss is in town for a few days staying with us ( Riyadh after a sandstorm really isn't a good look!)

The food cooked by our lovely chef Vijay was, as always, delicious - I think I could happily eat curry for breakfast, lunch and supper everyday ( Vijay is from Kerala in the south of India so his curry always features a good helping of coconut milk - sweet, creamy and just FAB)

So, knowing I wouldn't have to worry about the cooking I thought I'd make Rosie The Londoner's amazingly simple and utterly delicious Salted Chocolate Truffles - get the recipe from her blog here (btw if you haven't ever found her blog before you must - she's young gorgeous AND she cooks!)

So I've made these many times before, when we lived in Notting Hill they were my regular treat for going to supper with friends ( always impressed even the most die-hard chocolatiers!) - usually I made them in too little time whilst trying to cook supper for the kids before heading out - so this time it was so easy..... Vijay had already broken all the chocolate into small pieces and measured the butter and cream into seperate bowls for me - all I had to do was mix it all together!! I felt like a TV chef without the camera crew! The only down side is I wasn't able to find my fave Green & Black's Milk Chocolate  ( and Saudi Milk Chocolate just doesn't taste the same - even the Dairy Milk here tastes different!)

Pre-Milk Chocolate dipping!

Sadly everyone loved them and there were none left for me to photograph .... except for the small dish I hid at the back of the fridge especially for my morning treat pre-pilates!!

Try them, you will love them!

(Empty Bunny dish from Anthropologie, London)

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